Sometimes we all need a little help. This is a collection of resources that I have either personally found useful or that have been recommended to me by people I trust.
Khan Academy (free video playlist)
Painless Grammar, by Rebecca Elliott
Book written for middle and high schoolers, but its clear simplicity and humor has been appreciated by many adults.
The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White
This is an updated Kindle version of the classic book often quoted as the standard book on grammar and word usage. The Kindle version is only .99. Strunk’s original version, now in the public domain, can be freely downloaded from Project Gutenberg or viewed online in its entirety on at bartleby.com.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves, by Lynn Truss
I haven’t read this grammar book but have heard good things about it from many sources.
Common Errors in English
Alphabetized and indexed webpage of commonly misused, mixed up, or misspelled words on Washington State University’s website.