Welcome to writing UPWARD, where I’ll help you take your craft to a whole new level.
Do you need a fresh pair of eyes to catch those last pesky typos? Perhaps you’re a first-time author seeking guidance and constructive criticism. Or maybe you want someone to format your manuscript while you work on your next big idea. I can help! I’m interested in helping other creators write UPWARD.
Services I offer:
Copyediting ● Proofreading ● Beta Reading ● KDP Formatting ● EPUB Formatting ● Paperback Formatting
I have a strong background in novel-length fiction. However, I also accept nonfiction.
Please note: I do not accept manuscripts that contain erotica, excessive language, gratuitous violence, etc.
My Creds
I hold a B.A. in English from Cornerstone University.
I earned my copyediting certification through Poynter ACES.
I earned certification as a book editor through IAP Career College.
I have self-published over twenty novels.
I’ve worked in the indie publishing industry since 2010.
View my resume.
If you’ve done your homework, you already know that hiring an editing service can be EXPENSIVE! It’s pretty standard for developmental editing to cost between $0.03 and $0.15 per word ($1500-$7500 for 50,000 words), copyediting from $0.01 to $0.05 per word ($500-$2500 for 50,000 words), and line editing between $0.02 and $0.08 per word ($1000-$4000 for 50,000 words). And recently I came across a new author publishing package for two simple payments of $2,500! Who can afford that??
Here’s Where I Come In!
I offer a thorough copyediting experience. While I perform basic proofreading, which involves correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, missing words, and general typos, I also keep my eyes open for repeated words or phrases, lack of clarity, wordiness, point of view slips, passive vs. active voice, dialogue, clichés, and historically inaccurate words or phrases (when applicable) to help you achieve clear, smooth, readable prose. This includes minor rewrites or suggestions at the sentence/paragraph level. In addition, I’ll mention any whole-picture issues I spot, such as structural problems, plot and character inconsistencies, pacing, and flow. I have performed this inclusive service on scores of manuscripts over the past decade and a half.
View the checklist I use when editing book-length manuscripts.
COPYEDIT PRICING: $.0055/word ($5.5 per 1,000 words)
By comparison with the industry-standard prices above, that’s $275 per 50,000 words.
Why the price difference? Because, as a self-published author myself, I understand how challenging it can be to afford industry prices and how long it takes to earn them out with book sales. And because I love what I do and want to see other authors succeed. I especially enjoy working with indie authors who are venturing into the world of self-publishing for the first time.
Interested? Contact me with your manuscript’s word count and include the first ten or twelve pages. I’ll look it over, edit the first 1,000 words for free while noting the types and numbers of errors I encounter, and guestimate the amount of time needed to complete the entire project. Then I’ll return the edited pages. You can inspect my work and decide if we’re a good fit.
If we’re both agreeable, you may submit your entire manuscript. I work exclusively in Word, so please make sure I am receiving a Word document. It should be formatted in black 12-point type in a standard font with line spacing set at 1.5. If it is not, I will make those changes.
I will then edit your manuscript using Word’s review features. This conveniently records any changes I make so that you, as the final judge of your own work, can easily accept or reject each one. Word also makes it easy for me to include comments in the margin alongside the text. If you are unfamiliar with Word’s review features, I’ve included a brief tutorial in my menu above.
Just to be clear, for a book-length manuscript, this offer includes ONE PASS of copyediting, though I am happy to run your manuscript through the automated grammar and spell checks again after you make revisions. If you would like a second pass (through all or just portions of your manuscript), I will charge my proofreading rate below.
Please note: I strongly recommend that you run your manuscript through two or three trustworthy beta readers before contacting me for a copyedit. This ensures a quicker turnaround and a better outcome overall.
If I receive a manuscript that shows a poor grasp of basic English grammar (e.g., incorrect sentence construction throughout, dialogue punctuated incorrectly throughout, etc.) that I can’t accept it at a per-word rate, I will offer to edit it at a $25 hourly rate. (Or check out these grammar resources.)
I also offer the following services:
PROOFREAD PRICING: $.0035/word ($3.5 per 1,000 words) ($175 per 50,000 words)
This service includes one pass of editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation errors, missing words, and general typos. I will also flag repeated words and point out unclear text. It does not include rewrites, structural analysis, or a critique, and benefits those whose manuscripts need only a light polish.
BETA READ/PRO CRITIQUE PRICING: $.0020/word ($2.00 per 1,000 words) ($100 per 50,000 words)
This service includes a thorough read during which I look for plot holes or inconsistencies, missing elements, pacing, character development, and a sense of your setting. I then write up a critique where I address the manuscript’s strengths and weakness and make suggestions. You may even give me a list of specific areas to watch for. It does not include any in-text markup, comments, or rewrites. Nor does it involve in-depth developmental coaching. But it will save you headaches and money by addressing structural issues early on—before you are paying copyedit prices.
Scroll down for additional services.
Ready to begin?
Turnaround time for editing varies, depending on length and the number and types of errors, but I can usually finish within one week.
PAYMENT: I accept checks or PayPal. Half due up front. Checks must clear before I begin.
ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE: If you find an error or need a simple change, I’ll make minor adjustments for up to one year.
Additional Services
KDP Digital Formatting
I will format your manuscript to industry standards so your text will look its best on a Kindle e-reader. You will receive your manuscript back as a Word document ready to upload to Amazon’s KDP ebook platform.
I will need to receive your complete manuscript as a Word document.
FICTION PRICING: I charge a flat rate of $75 up to 50K words. After that, I add a dollar for every thousand words. NON-FICTION PRICING: Non-fiction layouts tend to be much more involved. Talk to me about your book’s needs and I’ll give you a quote.
Completed digital files will include:
- Your designated front matter (title page, dedication, etc.)
- Auto-generated table of contents with linked chapters
- Special text (your italics, bold words, etc.)
- Your designated end matter (page with author image and bio, linked blurbs and images to other works/series, etc.)
- A clean, professional product that meets industry standards and reads well on digital devices
Completed digital files will NOT include:
- Cover images
- Graphs or tables
- Footnotes
- Excessive images
Turnaround time formatting is quick, usually the next day.
PAYMENT: I accept checks or PayPal. Half due up front. Checks must clear before I begin.
ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE: If you find an error or need a simple change, I’ll make minor adjustments for up to one year.
EPUB Digital Formatting
Perhaps you want to take your book “wide” and sell on vendors beyond Amazon. Then you will want your manuscript available as an EPUB file, the gold standard accepted by all digital platforms (including Amazon). You have many options for obtaining an EPUB, but the best method by far is to build it from scratch, so your book displays exactly as you want it to every time. I can do that for you.
EPUB PRICING: I only format fiction and charge a flat $25/hour rate because the time required depends on how heavily formatted a book is (underlined text, centered text, different sized text, chapter titles, headings, images, links, bold and italics), and that varies widely. Most novels up to 100K with normal front and back matter and 25-30ish chapters come in at or below $100.
Paperback Formatting
Disclaimer: I work exclusively with clients who publish their paperbacks on Amazon. I do not work in printing and am not familiar with the technical details other printers may require.
Publishing paperbacks requires a PDF file. I will format your manuscript to industry standards and to Amazon standards and provide you with a print-ready PDF so your story will look its best on the printed page. You will also receive your formatted Word document, so any changes needed down the road can be made quickly and effortlessly.
I will need to receive your compete manuscript as a Word document.
FICTION PRICING: I charge according to my KDP digital pricing (above) plus $50. (For clarity, if I am already doing your digital formatting, it’s $50 to add paperback. If I am not, the starting price for paper is $125.) NON-FICTION PRICING: Non-fiction layouts tend to be much more involved. Talk to me about your book’s needs and I’ll give you a quote.
Completed files will include:
- Your designated front matter (title page, dedication, etc.)
- Auto-generated table of contents
- Special text (your italics, bold words, etc.)
- Your designated end matter (page with author image and bio, blurbs and images for other other works/series, etc.)
- Headers and footers (page numbers, author name, title)
- Appropriate margins
- Pages fit to designated paperback size
- A clean, professional layout that meets industry standards
Completed paperback PDF files will NOT include:
- Cover images
- Graphs or tables
- Footnotes
- Excessive images
Turnaround time formatting is quick, usually the next day.
PAYMENT: I accept checks or PayPal. Half due up front. Checks must clear before I begin.
ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE: If you find an error or need a simple change, I’ll make minor adjustments for up to one year.